Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sherlock Holmes is my fictional boyfriend

so during my Christmas break (holiday break- opt for politically correctness?) i tried my best to live at the movie theatre. many plans fell through, naturally, but i did manage to catch Sherlock Holmes, Avatar (2d...i know), and Nine.

Sherlocke Holmes was great- definetly surpassed my expectations of it. The only reason I agreed upon seeing this was because Rachel McAdams was in it. McAdams may be the pernial favourite of every girl aged 14-24, this has a lot to do with Mean Girls and too much to do with The Notebook. Regardless, I went in with a 'meh' attitude and came out wanting to be a seductive criminal with a smart ass detective boyfriend- oh and now I'm reading the complete anthology of Holmes adventures, a book totaling over 1000 pages. Yeah. This movie had an effect on me.

Sherlock Holmes is no longer the stuffy, old, trench coat wearing Brit that we've grown accostumed. He's now the scrappy, handsome, American (with a British accent) Robert Downey Jr, whose attitudes and mannerisms remind me of Hugh Laurie's House (ironically House is an American played by a Brit).

Jude Law plays Watson, he did well acting as the BFF and sidekick to Downey, but to me wasn't that interesting of a character. Also, Jude Law with facial hair creeps me out.

Rachel plays Irene Adler, a kind of love interest to our favourite detective. Strange relationship if you ask me. I've heard lots of "McAdams was miscast" talk. I totally disagree. And let's by honest, who else could have done it? The talented young actress pool is pretty kiddie sized. Fanning (too young), Portman (too small, not villainous enough), Ricci (wrong look), Kirsten Stewart (...). The only one who could have done a compariable job is Kirsten Dunst but she's already got the Spiderman franchise (if those movies still exist to you).

From a person who normally doesn't even care for this genre to love it so much, I highly encourage you to see it. I give it 4.5/5 vampire sandwiches.
After seeing Holmes, I was feeling pretty badass so I cunningly dodged the movie police and snuck into Avator. Ok, so I missed the first half hour and I didn't see it in 3D but the review still has merit, especially since it was 128 hours long anyways. Using my best movie critic terminology I'll sum it up by saying "While the visuals were stunning, more sparkling than even Edward Cullen, the storyline was only 'meh'." Nothing new as far as the story went, a spin on the Europeans coming to America and kicking out the natives, except here the Natives were blue and giant. Overall, I still found the movie enjoyable. My mom bets Sam Worthington, the lead actor who appeared on Jay Leno with holey shoes, will become a big star. Checking his imdb page it seems he has 3 movies in the works for 2010. In my eyes he will pull an Orlando Bloom, and star in some more epic, period pieces (with a subpar romcom thrown in for good measure) before he dies down and retreats back to Australia. Of course, that's just my humble opinion. The Avatar phenomenon will continue to next Halloween where you will be seeing a lot of blue. 4/5 vampire sandwiches
Nine...oh Nine... the movie I was most looking forward to seeing...with a trailer so awesome and a cast so famous it still managed to be on my worst movies ever list cozying up next to Bratz and Master of Disguise. Ok, so its not actually that bad-just extremely frustrating. This movie had so much potential it makes me crazy. This movie was boring, the songs were on the whole boring and lameeeee (lala my husband makes movies- we get it). Everytime I thought it was going to pick up, they cut to a stupid song, then went to a new scene and never further explored the prior storyline. ughhh. Is it weird that I think this would have been better as a non musical? At least 10 people walked out of the theatre when I saw it. Anyways, the few bright spots of this film were Daniel Day Lewis who really captured the manerisms of an Italian man, the always great Marion Cotillard who couldn't even save this mess, Fergie's song Be Italian, and Penelope Cruz saying "I'll be waiting...with my legs open"- a dumb but hilarious line. Verdict- don't see it. 2/5 vampire sandwiches