What I've been up to:-My 19th birthday means first trip to LCBO; after studying my ID for a good minute the lady wished me a happy birthday and let me purchase. i don't think her birthday wish was very sincere though.
-my first experience with an editor who clearly didn't understand the irony in my piece. I'm still not sure who that reflects bad on. I'm currently weighing the pros and cons of making the changes and ruining my article to get it published or just screwing the whole thing. I've always thought I was a sellout.
-dying through computer science 100. turns out my computer knowledge doesn't extend passed youtube and faceboook... good thing waterloo is chock full of comp sci nerds acessible at my fingertips.
-floormates cousin came on Friday, left in an ambulance. apparently you can drink too much.
-signed the lease for my first house. ended up rooming with an old soccer friend and her current roomies. i'll write more about my future house on another occasion but im quite pleased with how it all turned out.
My Resolutions as of New Years and How They've Held Up to Feb:
-work out three days a week- suffice to say thats over
-no caf cake- let myself slide on my bday, other than that I've had one breakdown when my friend came to the table with delectable black forest coating her fingers. But I'm letting myself claim victory on this so far.
-watch a movie a week and review them on my blog. well clearly i havent been doing the second part. but i've watched a lot of movies so their reviews will follow shortly.
music obsessions of the week: gavin rossdale, third eye blind (so nostalgic),bon iver, hannah georgas (check her out of youtube), bat for lashes