Friday, October 23, 2009

'A' Philosophy Quote

So i just got back my first philosophy essay. It was a product of 4 hours of work and a quick dash through the rain to hand it in right before the deadline. Some how my hard work garnered me an 'A'. Here's just one of the insightful thoughts I touched upon...

"The possession of a soul is the reason we live on a higher playing field than those stupid geese that rely purely on animal instinct. It keeps us subject from the cold fatalism of the physical world and allows us to escape mortality, because unlike those stupid geese that will just disappear one day, our souls will live on. We are invincible!"

The word combination of 'stupid geese' really secured my mark I guess. The Rocky sounding 'We are invincible' was found to be quite deep as well... Also managed to reference tuna fish sandwiches twice.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Smelt My Home for the First Time

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ~John Ed Pearce

Holidays have that way of bringing you back. Not just back to the physical homestead like in my case but they bring memories too. Snuggling up on the same old couch with the fire blazing and the movie on the same way you did when you were 5,10, and 15. Holidays have some sort of constant about them, same meal with the same people in the same place. That's why when someone dies its the roughest during the holidays, the constance is disturbed, its tainted. The memories flood back like normal but they don't bring a safety they bring sorrow.

Today was the first day I've really appreciated the holidays since I was probably 11 or 12. Once my family started getting smaller and the magic of santa and the easter bunny had vanished so did my appreciation for the holidays. It was basically the same as every other day of the year with the same people in the same place. I no longer wanted to be surprised with presents I stressed about my parents deviation from my prepared list. But now that I've been gone, and its only been a month so far, I've returned home with a new thankfulness. I longed for my room, my books, my ugly but comfy clothes, sitting at the dinner table with a bednight bowl of miniwheats, watching jay leno with my mom, my music (with a roommate listening to music is a whole different game), CHEESE!, cheese and crackers... i didn't even realize how much my body ached for this familarity until I walked through my door. Strangest thing, when i walked through my door I smelt my house for the first time. you know how when you visit a person's house and it has a specific smell and how you were always convinced your house didnt smell like anything even after your friends told you otherwise. well i smelled my house today and it smelt like home:) just being with my family has been a nostalgia trip, events as recent as the summer already have that nostalgic air to them after being in a completely different world for a month. i hadn't really experienced any homesickness but when i saw my mom and sister jump of of the car screaming my name friday night i realized that i did miss them, yes even carly. i'm now looking forward to the same meal with the same people in the same place. i am finally thankful for that constance.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

(sorry to my lactose intolerant readers, it was a bit cheesy)
(what? i dont have to be sarcastic alll thee timme)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Can't Escape My Past

Spotted: Trevor roaming around campus munching on a bag of chips, hair blowing in the wind...

Also walked through a block through the pouring rain to visit Katie and the windsor girl's soccer team. I played soccer with katie since we were 8 years old on acucaps industry's unlimited now there she is all grown up and playing uni soccer:) felt like a proud mom...a proud mom that also felt a tinge of envy. for the first time was regretful about not playing uni soccer, o well. btw windsor and waterloo ended up tying 4-4, not sure where my loyalities lie on that topic.

i've learned my blog title couldnt be more fitting for living in waterloo since it rains every day here. even this self proclaimed rain lover is growing tired of wet jeans and snuffy noses.

note: living in close quarters with 50 other ppl is great for cold and flu season, pretty sure im on my third round of this same cold. its oh so cute how everyone keeps infecting one another.

in other news, 100 on my first english assignment- apparently i really grasped the underlying meaning of little red riding hood (its all about sex and death people-everything is about sex and death)
wrote my first midterm for economics on friday and i think it went really well. wasn't sure about 3 questions but other than that supa easy so hopefully i 90'd that shit up

watched freedom writers and cried, now i want to be the inspiring english teacher to gang kids and drug lords. but seriously good movie, and seriously good potential occupaysh

went to sobeys, felt super adultish and important buying my own mini wheats and milk:)

right now im currently procrastinating reading riddley walker. heres an excerpt:

"He done the reqwyrt he ternt and stood anf clattert his teef and made his rush and there we wer then"

This is what literature is meant to be....
-Anthony Burgess

i don't know who this anthony character is but someone send him some better books!
oh and in case you didn't figure it out, reqwyrt is required

that is all
see you all at thanksgiving!!
xoxo vanessa girl