Monday, September 14, 2009

The Adventure Continues

Just got back from my first day of classes- well class in my case. Today I only had a 20 minute introductory philosophy course so it was a nice easy way to make the transition from frosh week to actual school.

A recap of the second half of frosh week goes as follows:

Thursday was Monte Carlo night. The girls all wore cocktail dresses and the boys nice button up shirts. It's tradition for the engineering frosh to dye themselves purple (why? God only knows...), the purple skin went great with the red, yellow, and black outfits. That of course is a joke. It looked ridic. Monte Carlo was a lot of fun. There were casino games up stairs giving birth to my newfound roulette addiction. Roulette is the game when you guess where the ball is going to land on the spinning wheel. I swear I should go pro. This one guys spins were so predictable it was barely a gamble. Damn Miss blondie took the shift over and she was less dependable but it was still fun. The blackjack tables were intense, in a school of all mathies I'm sure you can imagine, but I held my own and made some "money". Hopefullythe festivities won't turn me into one of those crazies that wear diapers to the casino so they don't have to leave there slots for a pee break. There was also a dance that was crazy and sweaty. I touched my friends tie and IT was soaked. A tie! They don't even have direct contact to the body. After some dancing and stuff we went downstairs to the bomber to watch some local bands play. They were great. Very unique too, a drummer was also the singer in one band. Another incorporated a trumpet player, the keyboard, and had two singers: a guy and a girl.

Friday was a very interesting day. All week we had been doing group activities with our facaulty- I was a Chocolateer. We were supposed to wear the same brown shirt all week to the events but I didn't want to put on a sweaty shirt twice so instead I wore normal clothes and made myself a badge identifying myself. When I say badge I mean a crude piece of paper with "team chocolate" scribbled across it. Underneath I wrote in brackets "not team brown". I arrived late that day, without a shirt so it came as quite the surprise when I was so warmly greeted. The frosh leaders saw my badge and started dying of laughing giving me high-fives all over the place. They continued to bring up the badge well into the week. Hilariously enough this lead to my honourable mention as a Super Frosh aka most spirited. Yes the girl who wasn't even spirited enough to wear her frosh day shirt won an award. lol:) Later that night I went on a wild goose hunt for parties. The first was behind some random trees so I guess that means I have now went to a bush party. After I wandered around Waterloo with some people I had just met to this random house party. Five minutes after arriving the police came and broke it up. I always imagined police breaking up a party to be the big scary thing, but they basically just casually strolled about and I casually left. So that was that day.

*remember all spelling mistakes are artistic expression;)
The next morning I was awokened to people banging on my door to go to the football game. I donned my best black and gold (a black tshirt, jeans, and yellow headband) and headed on over. It was quickly made evident that Waterloo is an academic school- the football team, not so great. It was still fun though. That night was the toga party. I had planned to wear Brittney's halloween costume but everyone was just wrapping their bedsheets so I followed suit. My toga was pink and I pimped it out with a black belt so I was looking pretty kickin. Someone took pics so I'm sure you will all seen soon enough;). The toga party was another dance. I've never been much of a go to dance kinda girl but I'm getting used to it now. I'd even go so far as saying they're *gasp* enjoyable.

Well that wraps up frosh week. It was a lot of fun- so fun I'm considering being a frosh leader next year. Hmm maybe I'm more spirited than I think. That's all for today. I'm off for some tea and philosophy.

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