Thursday, September 3, 2009

Super Long Second Post

my family and neighbours organized an end of the year cedar point trip so today brittney, jacob, other jacob, and myself spent the day roaming around the amusement park.

Some highlights include:

1) The Buffet, all the choices laying before your eyes makes even the most typical how-many-calories-in-that-girl transform into a gorging beast. Never have i wished so hard to have a hunger unquenchable by the first plate. btw what kind of sick people decided that foods like pizza, tacos, cake, and chinese would be fitting for a roller coaster park? sadist bastards.

2)I (heart) CP shirt- cause even after serious thought i couldn't rationalize CP= Cedar Point. yes, a brighter moment of mine. thanks brittney for putting me out of my misery.

3)Mean Streak- i don't care what you all say there's nothing better than a rickety, head thrashing wooden roller coaster.

4)Demise of Bird- ok maybe so maybe 'highlight' is a questionable word when regarding death but it certainly was one of the most memorable moments of the trip. Basically, while on the maverick poor unsuspecting tweety came a flying and good ole maverick was a chargin and SPLAT (yes, the sound effect was necessary) little birdie crashed into the girl two carts ahead of us, preceded to ricochet off jacob's cart and collide to my seat where it fell to its untimely death. now aren't you glad i shared that story :). All fooling aside it was pretty traumatic adding unnecessary rouse to an already white knuckle ride.

5)Being “Rebels” while posing for our 'on the ride pics'. Guy at millennium force picture counter- lighten up friend, wait till your at least 75 before you start the cynical old man act. Unnecessary attitude and threats for a teenage boy sticking up his middle finger only adds fuel to the fire. Immature? Yes. Slightly funny? ;)
-“i CANNOT sell you that picture because of what your friend is doing AND if he does it again he will be kicked out of the park!” (insert awkward neck jut)
-“you inconsiderate asshole, he only has one finger!”
(...maybe funny?)( the time)

6)Petting Zoo- real life farmville:) i pet a nice little sheep (note: sheep's wool is not flammable because of lack of oxygen in the wool*)

7) Dragster for the first, second, and third time ever

*heard this little tidbit at a soccer party so if i heard wrong i'd rather live in ignorance than have it brought to my attention

Warning annoying analogy ahead, precede with caution:

what i learned about rides is that the scariest part is the wait. I nearly psyched myself right out of going on the dragster. thankfully my friend looked me in the eye told me i was going to do it and not only that i would live to tell the story. The closer we got to the front of the line the higher my anxiety grew. Finally, I was locked to my seat and there was no turning back. Waiting for the headlight's count down was almost unbearable. Funnily enough when the third light switched on and I was being thrust forward at a bajillion (point 8 to be exact) miles per hour I felt a sense of relief. Yes, the actually ride was the more calming of the experience. Was the thing fast as hell, did it go up 420 feet in the sky at a 90 degree angle? Yup. But it was the waiting, the pause before the drop, the rise before the fall that did me in every time. The actual rides were fast, and bumpy, and fun making the fight with pre-ride stress attacks worthwhile every time. So what are you trying to get at Vanessa? Well clearly this is my motivational transition to university speech, rehatching the very cliché “life is a ride” metaphor. (analogy? I dunno. good thing my major is english) So basically, what I'm trying to say is don't spend all your time stressing about what's to come because you will just get yourself all worked up for nothing. Even though university is going to be crazy, fast-paced, and (wait for it) have it's ups and downs, it's going to be fun. There's no point in worrying about things to come- just jump right in and try to make the experience a worthwhile one. I'll finish with a quote by Travis McCoy because he's really sexy and it kinda relates so I'm grabbing the opportunity.

So take a step back
And a breath in
Let it out now
Put your chin up
You can do it tiger
You a [wo]man now
And in your dream it's time to do the best you can now


Unknown said...

this was very entertaining especially because i was there hehe. you are such a good writer please keep this up!

gl said...

Hahah omg your blog is so much better than mine.
Can't wait for the next post;)