Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Uni Adventure Begins

Water, Water, Water! Loo, Loo, Loo!
(a sampling from supreme school chant)
-clearly these are the minds behind the top university in canada

Well it's day 3 atmy new school, my new home. I had planned to update this daily but being crazy busy and having internet problems (not being able to connect to facebook is a high on the tragic scale) but no fret here I am now. Hopefully I can remember all the details...
Well move in day was very exciting. As soon as we pulled up on campus a couple student leaders rushed the car and pulled me out. I had to go sign some papers while my parents waited in the long move in line. I was the second to arrive in my room, but I learned even if I was the first I still wouldn't have gotten my side cause it's assigned to you. Lol who knew? My parents and Carly quickly helped me move in,we then went for a final lunch at East Side Marios. After I said bye to the fam I didn't know what to do with myself. My roommate was at a rugby tournament, my internet wasn't hooked up, and I didn't know anyone to hang around with. Luckily, my lonesome aimless wandering was soon cut short. A girl in my res had her door open so I asked her for internet help and viola new friend. Quickly and effortlessly I got to know the majority of people on my floor. Everyone's fairly friendly and since we were all in the same boat random introductions were common and praised.

On Monday the rest of the freshmen moved in so we had a giant icebreaker event outside. Omg I have never seen so many teenagers. They told us the number of undergraduates but of course I don't recall- it was a lot though. One of the interesting things was when the Waterloo president asked the ensemble of freshmen "Who here is from another country?" close to an astonishing 50% stood up! On my floor alone we have Pakistan,China, Austrailia, and India represented. The icebreaker games while lame were pretty fun but there was a distressing chaotic event that I will rehash. At one point the freshmen, who were all in a giant circle were asked to run to the middle for a high five type thing? I dunno why but the premise sounded amusing- it totally was until, well have you ever seen a domino's fall. Ya well picture domino's as giants and the last domino as me. Someone slipped and people by the dozen were falling backwards. I made it out alive but sadly Brittney's gold shoe did not. My leg also got cut? and started bleeding. As we were walking back to residence I was telling my catastrophic experience to a friend theguy walking behind my stepped on the good shoe and it broke!! painful irony! Brittney I will replace your shoes and I determined to still let them shine their light at the toga party. I went to my first university party Monday as well and let me tell you how glamorous they are! Well picture a room about the size of mine downstairs,maybe a littlee longer. Now picture about 30 so teenagers dancing like maniacs on hopping on beds tossing a glow in the dark Jesus statue around the room chanting the Lord's name (ok so maybe I was one of the kids) Sound like a typical Evangelical mass? Knda except I think the Jesus chanting may *possibly* have been in vain (vane?) and I think this crowd had a little more in than than some holy wine... Oh and strobe lights, I don't think they have those either. But ya,it was surprisingly fun once you got passed the claustrophobia and stench. Funny and interesting side note: the walls and ceiling were wet to the touch from the breathing and sweat. yum.

That leads us up to today, I seem to have finally figured out the internet (knock on wood). Today I had my ARTS orientation and I loved it. The speeches the ARTS chairmen and graduate students gave were inspiring and comforting. It's nice to know there truly is a place in the world for the arts and soft skills like communication and leadership are employer top demand. But enough about that, the arts day was really fun. I was on team chocolate (we are NOT team brown) and our leaders were truly that. They were the usual annoying peppy people, I really thought the embodied the different types of arts people at their best. They were friendly, funny, and very intelligent. Highlights from the arts activities were learning a dance to "burning on the dance floor", free lasagna lunch, free giftbag, and one of the leaders *Fin- think flambouyant, hilarious short harry pottery looking asian. He was such a doll that I am for the first time ever using the expression doll.

Misc Things I've Learned
-girls don't need to buy their own alcohol, guys will happily supply
-geese attack
-don't wear flipflops to mosh-like pits
-what it's like to be a minority
-the real meaning of "asian invasion"
-being from windsor is cool
-cedar point is a "have you ever been to cedar point" not an obvious duh
-foam parties are not universally held in cities

Over the last 3 days I thought of a million funny things to say in this but they are escaping me now. Sorry for the boring review, hopefully their will be better ones to come lol


rosina. said...

Haveyou introduced anyone to your Buffy collection yet,? ;)

Unknown said...

no my shoeeeee! i didn't know i needed to warn you not to mosh in them lol. sounds like you're having a good time tho :)

Vanessa said...

omg rosina funny you should say that! at my arts orientation meeting the president asks us all what we love/are passionate about. andof course everyone says the usual blahblah. then one guy yells out "buffy the vampire slayer" myjaw literally dropped. i had to grip my hands against my seat to brace myself from jumping up and yelling "ME TOO".so yes, ive basically found my soulmate. just need to track him down now;)

and brittney that should have been a part of your goodbye advice i recieved lol.

gl said...

HAHAH vaness buffy soulmate.
agh i can only hope to be so lucky!

and people the moist walls due to sweat and breath...its real...its definitely real

melissaa. said...

wow so far from the border that cedar point is like a foreign concept....
even i could have told ya not to mosh it slip flops lol.